Saturday, July 31, 2010

On Vacation

My boss asked me the other day, "Where is vacation this year?"  I replied, "1302 W. Borton Road."  Our family vacation did not materialize as I had hoped.  In the early planning stages, this was going to be the year that we did a real trip...Alaska, California, the New England know, some destination that would cause jet lag or travel fatigue.  As summer drew near, the only decision made was choosing the week of vacation, and Tyler couldn't even commit to that. And now, since we've had almost ideal growing conditions for sugar beets, Joel's company is expecting 1 million more tons of beets this year over last year, pushing their start date up to September 2nd...before Labor Day, mind you!  The early date has everyone scrambling, so Joel will not even be able to take a full week off. All this to say that our vacation trip has dwindled to three of us doing a short Michigan fudge tour (translation:  going north to the tourist traps). 

On the bright side, I still get to spend a whole week with Ashlea, which should be an adventure in itself.  And we have plans!  We'll be trying out recipes from my Pioneer Woman cookbook, picking blueberries, shopping, and Ashlea said she would paint one of our bathrooms.  I would help, but the room is just too small for the two of us to work together.  I'll supply the cookies and lemonade...and the supervision (it goes with the territory).  

Ashlea will be bringing her camera, so I expect that I'll have plenty of pictures to post throughout the week.  Happy vacation!
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