Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Decisions, Decisions

I love to open the mail box and find a package from Amazon!  More books!  Today I received Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black and White by David Barton and Son of Hamas by Mosab Hassan Yousef.  The first book is, as the title indicates, Barton's primer on African American political history, much of which was never included in our school history books.  The second book is "the shocking true story of a Hamas insider who rejected his violent destiny - and is now risking everything to expose closely guarded secrets and show the world a way to peace" (from the book cover).  

I'm torn...which book should I begin reading first?  I guess it doesn't really matter, because I have a habit of hopping from one book to another depending on my mood.  Hmmm...I think I'm in the mood for a little gripping political intrigue this evening.  And if I haven't dozed off after about thirty minutes of reading, we'll know it is gripping indeed!
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