Monday, August 02, 2010

Vacation Monday

It sure was nice not going to work this morning.  Ashlea and I had a leisurely start to the day before heading out to Home Depot to get paint and supplies for the bathroom update.  I sure hope we like the combination of colors once it's done.  Ashlea got the priming done today, so she'll be ready to begin applying the colors tomorrow.  I'll be so thankful to be rid of the '90s feather-duster-paint effect. What was I thinking?!!

My contribution for the day was to make Pioneer Woman's Flat Apple Pie.  I added some dried cherries, and I must say it's pretty yummy.  The idea behind this recipe is to have apple pie that can be eaten with your hands.  But that doesn't work so well with a scoop of ice cream on top. 

And what about Joel?  He's happy to have a new Wii playmate...a more formidable opponent than I am. I'd say he's met his match at sword play!

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