It occurred to me that I have become a lazy blogger of late...throw up some pictures, a few YouTube videos, and other people's works and call it good. In other words, I haven't done much writing. Maybe it's more interesting that way, but I do feel the need to contribute something original once in awhile, so how about a family update?
Joel spent a good portion of the weekend removing the kitchen wallpaper (a steamer works wonderfully!), then washed and prepped the walls today. We sort of have an unwritten agreement...he gets the walls ready (because I hate that part), and I paint (because he hates that part). I certainly have the better end of the deal. Now we just have to decide on a color and whether or not to use bead board for wainscoting. Anyway, I think it's safe to say that we will most likely have our kitchen redecorating completed by the fourth of July, barring any unforeseen delays.
Tyler will be working at Camp Barakel this summer as a lifeguard...ten whole weeks away from home! And after last night's cribbage game when he accused me of using million-mom-math (think Rush Limbaugh), I don't know which of us is happier about the separation. Seriously though, it will be different around here, and we're already talking about how we can arrange a little family time sometime during the summer.
Ashlea is on spring break this week, and is once again in Lakeshore, Mississippi to help with post-hurricane rebuilding projects. She thought her church group would be framing a house, but we haven't heard if that's the case. They have done different projects each trip, and there is still so much to accomplish. Joel is eagerly awaiting Ashlea's return to Louisville on Friday, so she can compile her tax information. Her motto is "procrastinators unite...tomorrow."
And finally, thanks to Tom In The Box, Joel and I have discovered that we belong to the infralapsarianism camp, as opposed to the supralapsarianism camp (even spellcheck doesn't recognize those words). Our Dictionary of Theological Terms is a wonderful asset in times such as these. So today at work, thinking I could stump Pastor Shepherd, I asked him if he had ever heard those terms, and he immediately provided the correct explanations. Then Jeff came in, and he too knew the definitions. Sometimes I feel so out of the loop, theologically speaking, that is.
As one of your readers who really is "out of the loop" (theologically and otherwise), I went to the said website, (haven't been there in while). After reading the hysterical article, I found myself thinking, "Boy, am I glad Jeremy is my son. He will tell what I am supposed to believe and why." :)
I'm sure Jeremy will have an anwser, and I'm glad Joel and I are in arguments over that one! ; )