Friday, December 16, 2011

Air Force Commissioning Ceremony

As of last Friday, we are now the proud parents of Air Force 2nd Lieutenant Tyler Davenport.  The ceremony was impressive, but included a little pre-ceremony drama, courtesy of moi. . .which was not impressive to Tyler or Joel.  There's nothing like inadvertently throwing one of Ty's uniform rank bars in the trash to arouse some excitement.  At least I realized what I had done and was able to retrieve the bar.  Joel cleaned it off and wouldn't let me have it again until the ceremony was ready to begin.  My excuse - I was operating on three hours of sleep after the passing of my brother.  Here are a few photos of the ceremony:

Tyler taking his oath

The pinning of the rank bars:  Joel and I pinned bars on his epaulets, while Baillie pinned his cap.
I love the look on Ty's face. . .he's so proud and happy!

His commanding officer instructed Ty to bend his knees to help me with the pinning.

Checking out the bars. . . still there.  ;)

We were so happy that Joel's parents were able to attend. 
Missed having my mom and her husband, but we know they were with us in spirit.

1 comment:

  1. Air Force 2nd Lieutenant Tyler Davenport... CONGRATULATIONS!!! We are so happy for you. God bless you, as you continue to also serve the #1 "Commander in Chief," your Lord and Savior, Jesus!
    ~Brent and Barb Thelen and family
