Saturday, November 20, 2010

Daily Thanksgiving - My Vocation

I've been thinking lately how thankful I am for my job at the rescue mission, not just because I have a job, but because of its make-up.  I sometimes wonder if anyone else has the same combination of responsibilities...human resources, development, electronic newsletter and web site, and (for the time being) volunteer directorship.  Needless to say, my days and weeks are comprised of a variety of duties and projects, so boredom is rarely part of the equation.  For example, I am currently working on open enrollment for our health coverage, conducting new employee searches, preparing for next week's Thanksgiving Dinner Praise Service, scheduling the volunteer groups to decorate the mission for the Christmas Open House & Pancake Breakfast, and working with the web designer on our new web site, among other things.  I love the busyness and the challenges, and I love working with a wonderful group of co-workers and volunteers, who are committed to the ministry of caring for the homeless.  They are an inspiration!  So, as I consider my blessings as we approach Thanksgiving, I thank the Lord for the gift of my job.

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