Sunday, October 10, 2010

Every Quilt has a Story

The Rescue Mission Auxiliary hosted its first Quilt Turning yesterday, a narrated presentation of quilts that have been layered on a display bed.  Two handlers hold up a quilt while its story is being told, then carefully fold and place it on display before moving on to the next quilt. It was very interesting to hear the story behind each quilt, about thirty in all.  Some of them were heirlooms dating back to the 1930s.  Most of the pictures didn't turn out very well (I had the camera on the wrong setting), but I want to show what a quilt turning looks like anyway.    
One of the Underground Railroad quilts

Another Underground Railroad quilt, each square represents a part of the journey to freedom.

The quilt's owner telling the meaning behind each square.  My arm was so tired by the time she was done!

An Australian themed quilt.

A postage stamp quilt - each square is one inch - submitted by my friend Anne, and heirloom from her grandmother.

A cathedral window quilt submitted by my friend, Roxie, also an heirloom from her grandmother. 

This picture shows the bed with the layers of quilts.  Marcie and Marcia were one set of handlers.  Kim and I were the other set, and we rotated to keep the show moving.  Notice the white gloves. ; )

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