Friday, March 09, 2012

7 Update

Back on February 1st, I announced that I was taking on a month-long challenge of purging our house of unneeded stuff to the tune of seven items per day - the goal being 203 items to donate for others to use.  I systematically worked through each room of our main level, cleaning closets and cupboards as I went, and came up with the following:
  • 75+ items from the kitchen & dining room
  • 45 articles of clothing & shoes
  • 11 household items
  • 56 DVDs/VHS movies
  • 31 piano books 
  • 62 CDs/cassette tapes
That totals 280 items, well over my goal, and that was before hitting the basement!  There I gathered another four boxes of unneeded stuff, mainly books and household items, and although I didn't get a count, I know I could easily add another 100 items to the total.  And I'm not done!  I haven't tapped into the Christmas decorations or the toys and games.

While I was going through this process, I kept thinking in the back of my mind that Joel wasn't really "sacrificing" to the cause.  His tools weren't touched and we still have his over thirty year old chemical engineering and college math textbooks.  (Joel says he likes to get them out once in awhile just to remind himself of what he used to know.) So this morning when I challenged him to come up with items of his own, he replied with a grin, "What do you mean?  I've purged three pairs of socks and two pairs of jeans!"  And he did promise to clean off the top of his dresser.  It's a start.  

Note to Mom:  No family heirlooms were sacrificed in the completion of this project.  I know you were worried.  ;)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, way to go Jeannette. I'm attempting the same thing myself, albeit much slower. I need something like a full day just devote to getting rid of the excess.

    It's hard though, isn't it? And eye opening. In the process I come to realize that there have been and maybe still are some things that I idolize, or keep around for irrational reasons.
