On his blog today, Tim Challies reminds us that the Sabbath is a special gift from God, and we should be intentional in delighting in Him as we worship and fellowship with other believers. In fact, Sunday should be considered the best day of the week! I'll admit that I don't always view Sunday that way; because it's the end of the weekend, there often seems to be a "cloud" that hangs over the day, as I begin to contemplate the duties of the coming week. Tim shares this quote from Simplify Your Spiritual Life by Donald Whitney:
"What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the biblical term Sabbath? Many people, including those familiar with the New Testament, may think first of legalism. That’s because nearly every mention of “Sabbath” in the Gospels has to do with the Pharisees accusing Jesus of violating their manmade rules. God’s original intention, however, was for the Jews to “call the Sabbath a delight” (Isaiah 58:13). He meant for each of them on that day to “delight [themselves] in the Lord” (verse 14). Far from being a day to dread because of its restrictions, God designed the Sabbath to be a delightful day, the best of the week."
As the article continues, Whitney suggests several ways to enhance your delight in the Lord's Day. You may read the whole article here.
Joel and I took advantage of a gorgeous day (it's finally warm again!) to enjoy God's creation at the Dow Gardens. After worship, we invited another couple to join us for lunch at the gardens, and then we spent some time marveling at the floral artistry on display. I'm so glad picnicking is allowed at Dow Gardens now...it just makes sense!
I couldn't agree more! I miss Sabbatarian Sundays! =D and you are right- picnicking totally needs to be allowed when there are beautiful flowers around!!