Monday, September 24, 2007

Now is the Time

I've been saving this picture for fifteen years, waiting for the most opportune moment to use it. Now is that time. Little did Ty know when he destroyed this picture a few years back, I had the duplicate tucked safely away. And just to prove I don't make threats I can't deliver, here is four-year old Ty, gladly wearing one of Ashlea's dresses. I'd say we deserve each other. ; )

And I'm changing my blog password pronto!


  1. Tell Tyler he looks cute in a dress!!

  2. Oh Ty, aren't you a cutie patootie? I remember Ashlea wearing that dress, don't I? Ty, you should know by now that Mom doesn't make threats she can't deliver. I so love this!!!

  3. Like the post says, I was only 4...didn't know any better. Nor did I understand the concept of blackmail at the time.

  4. But now you do...a life lesson learned. BTW...nice legs. ;)
