Saturday, March 24, 2007

Wallpaper Woes

It's Joel's first Saturday off in over six months and it's a beautiful day, so what did we decide to do? Strip wallpaper in the kitchen. And I mean strip...piece by piece. If I didn't know better, I'd think some of the paper was applied with superglue. As you can see, we even drafted Ty, and he kept the working music coming...some Kings of Convenience, some Middle Earth inspired music by Glass Hammer, and some CCR. Our day's work will be coming to an end shortly though as Kansas basketball beckons. Did I just say that?


  1. You DID just say that!! How about Big 12 Basketball? Is that better?

  2. The game is just over, and we're sitting here wondering how KU could be so stupid. Oh, that's right... they're KU! Now I feel better. ; )

  3. OOOHH!! BRRRR! :)
