Thursday, March 15, 2007

Reality Check

I gave a tour of the rescue mission to a new volunteer yesterday, and she decided she would really like to work in the kitchen one morning a week. We tried to find Doug, the kitchen manager, so introductions could be made, but he was nowhere to be found. So later when I did see Doug, I told him I had another "older woman" that would like to volunteer in the kitchen. It wasn't until I was doing her background check that I noticed her birthdate on her application...this "older woman" is six months younger than I am! Maybe it's time for a good long look in the mirror. : )

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Just hate when this happens. Marty just had a b-day last month. Zach and Aiden called to sing "Happy Birthdy" to him. Zach asked Marty how old he was. Marty asked Zach how old he thought Marty was. With NO hesitation, Zach replied, "85".
    We feel your pain.
    go cats!
