Tuesday, December 06, 2011

On Evangelism

What is the best or most effective way to communicate the gospel to unbelievers?  Is it through personal testimony of faith, or are we to just stick to the facts of doctrinal tenets. . .or are we to do both?  This was a topic of discussion in our Christian education on Sunday, a rather lively discussion, at that.  I guess some people view the "what Jesus means to me" approach to evangelism as being purely pragmatic. While I firmly believe the truths of the gospel message must be preeminent in evangelism, I also believe that the inclusion of a personal testimony of faith is beneficial.

I've always enjoyed hearing other people's stories of coming to faith in Jesus Christ.  Even if it isn't sensational or dramatic, it's still their story of how the Holy Spirit convicted them of their sinfulness and need for the Savior.  It's their story of conversion from being spiritually dead to being made alive in Christ. God created us as relational beings, so in addition to giving mental assent to gospel orthodoxy, we should also be prepared to give testimony of our relationship with Jesus Christ.  As Christians have opportunity to share with unbelievers how their lives have changed because of Jesus, we bring glory and honor to the Lord.  Those testimonies are also oftentimes ways of relating to real life situations of unbelievers with whom we interact and open doors for further conversation and ministry, as the Spirit leads.  

Please feel free to share your testimony of coming to faith in Jesus Christ by using the comments box.  I'd like to hear your story. 

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