Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Friend and fellow blogger Christina (Eowyn's Heir) has just unveiled her new web site, Mama Szrama (click for link), for the purpose of reviewing children's literature.  She explains: 

We were made for stories; your children were, too. But how to discern which of the thousands of printed words out there are worth your time? How can busy moms (who may not have grown up with much reading) quickly see what is good, great, and not so great about the books their children are assigned or want to read? How can teachers (home-schoolers too!) pick fiction that will complement other areas of study, such as literature, history, language, and culture? How can parents use shared books to discuss many issues of eternal importance?
Christina developed a five-star book rating system, and the book reviews are categorized by genre for easy searches.  She even has a contact form for book review requests.  Check it out!

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