Thursday, September 16, 2010

Weekly Grammar: More Pronoun Usage

Good grammar seems to be catching!  My sister told me last night that her thirteen year old daughter, as library proctor (whatever that is), got to make the first selection in a library book give-away.  Her choice:  a book on Latin grammar.  You really have to wonder about the other book choices!  I've also been noticing frequent Facebook posts imploring readers to "get it right" regarding various grammar rules.  It makes my heart happy.  Now if we could only conquer those pronoun problems...

A very common pronoun error is between you and I.  Why is this wrong?  According to Grammar Girl, "between is a preposition, just as at, above, over, and including are prepositions.  Because prepositions usually either describe a relationship or show possession, they don't act alone; they often answer questions like Where? and When?...So, instead of acting alone, prepositions are part of prepositional phrases. And it's just a rule that pronouns following prepositional phrases are always in the objective case, the correct pronoun is me, so the correct prepositional phrase is between you and me." (p. 142, Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips) 

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