Friday, September 24, 2010


Today I am thankful for the beginning of men's Bible studies in our church, something that has been a desire of my heart for several years.  One of the groups met in our home last night, so I was sequestered to the back of the house for the evening.  While I enjoy my quiet time to read and blog, I sure would like to join the discussion as they study Ephesians - one of my favorite books of the New Testament!  I purposed not to eavesdrop on their conversation, but the sound of their voices was like music to my ears.  Christian men benefit from times of fellowship to encourage one another in the faith and as leaders in the home.  I'm praying the Lord will be bless their time together over the coming months.   

And if you're wondering about the ladies in the church...we'll be starting our Bible study in a couple weeks on R. C. Sproul's The Glory of Christ.  I'm sure that will be a fruitful study as well. : )

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