Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Weekly Grammar: Pronoun Usage

Since incorrect pronoun usage is probably my main grammar pet peeve, I'm going to address this topic over a few weeks.  Let's begin with the basics:

Singular subject pronouns:  you, I, he, she, it

Plural subject pronouns:  you, we, they

Singular object pronouns:  you, me, him, her, it  

Plural object pronouns:  you, us, them

The correct sentence uses subject pronouns in the subject and object pronouns in the object. That makes sense, right?

Example:  "He and I are going to a movie tonight."  Too often, though, we hear an object pronoun used in the subject, as in "Him and I are going to the movie tonight."  The easy way to determine the correct pronouns is to consider which ones would be used if they were alone - such as "He is going to a movie tonight," not "Him is going to the movie tonight."  

The same rules apply for object pronouns.  Example:  "Jesus died on the cross for you and me."  We know this is correct by testing the use of each pronoun alone.  It would be incorrect to say, "Jesus died on the cross for I."

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