Monday, August 23, 2010

Weekly Grammar: Aren't I?

It's time to get back to the weekly grammar posts, but I'm easing into the routine with this simple rule:  We do not attach aren't to the pronoun I, as in the example "I am going along too, aren't I?Think about it.  It is actually saying, "Are not I?"  And if you flip-flop the phrase, it reads, "I are not," which we all recognize as incorrect subject/linking verb agreement, right?  My example sentence should be written as "I am going along too, am I not?"  Much better.  


  1. Exactly why I say "amn't I"-- hah! :)

  2. Funny, Christina! Thanks for the comment all the way from Denmark! I've been enjoying your pics.

  3. Then again, there's always "ain't I?"
    ;-) (sigh) I think I've been in KY too long.

  4. Janet, thanks for making that point. Ugh!
