Saturday, August 28, 2010


I was caught off-guard this morning when the doorbell rang, and I opened the door to find a couple of nicely-dressed men standing on my porch.  After the initial pleasantries, one of the men stated they were out doing "volunteer work" and offered me a copy of their publication.  I was expecting them to be canvassing for a political candidate, but when I saw the publication, I responded, "No, I don't want any of that heresy."  You've probably guessed by now that the visitors were Jehovah's Witnesses and the publication was The Watchtower.  My response surprised the spokesman, and he questioned why I would call it heresy.  Thank you for asking!  There's no sense in beating around the bush, I say, so I went straight to their denial of the deity of Christ.  He gave the predicable answer that they believe Jesus is God's son, to which I replied that they don't believe Jesus is God and the Second Person of the Trinity as explicitly taught in Scripture.  I explained to them that salvation is based on the finished work of Christ on the cross, not on any good works we do, and why Jesus (being both God and sinless Man) was the only acceptable sacrifice for our sins.  By this time, he realized I would not be persuaded and made some type of "it's time to move along" comment citing our distinct differences.  I agreed and, as they were leaving, added, "I must warn you that you're on your way to hell." 

It seems as though my last Jehovah's Witness visit went about the same way...which might explain why they only come to our home about once every ten years. 

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