Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Office Mate(y)

Some people have a Mr. Potato Head...I have a Mr. Coconut Head. We first met a couple weeks ago in the Rescue Mission Gift Shop. He looked so lonely sitting on the top shelf of the display rack, and my first thought was "for good reason." Seriously, who would want that ugly coconut posing as a pirate?! No wonder somebody donated him to the mission! The gift shop attendants didn't even bother putting a price on him. A few days later, I went in the gift shop, and he was still there. But this time I took pity on him and offered to rescue...I mean buy him for a dollar, joking that this would be a great gag gift for Ashlea. I took Mr. Coconut Head back to my office and set him on the shelf for the time being. Then it occurred to me, that I need him as much he needs me. You see, when I moved back to the Saginaw mission last month, the only office available was a small room behind the chapel, commonly referred to as The Closet...four walls and no window. Besides that, it's at the end of a lightly traveled hallway. No casual passersby. No more chatting with co-workers over the cubicles. Remember Tom Hanks in Cast Away? He had Wilson the volleyball to keep him company. Mr. Coconut Head is my version of Wilson, although I refuse to actually converse with a coconut. I'm taking strict measures to ensure that does not happen! ;)

Any suggestions for a better name?

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