Sunday, June 06, 2010

Beginner's Luck?

Since I finished my golf lessons last week, I asked Joel to take me out for a round of golf on a nearby par 3 course. He's such a good husband...not only was he happy to play with me, he didn't once laugh at my mostly pathetic execution of the game. I did have a couple good drives though (relatively speaking), and one is pictured here. I was too engrossed in setting up my shot, that I didn't realize Joel was taking my picture. And he was too engrossed in emailing the picture, that he didn't see what happened next. I chipped the ball onto the green, it bounced and hit the flag pole, then dropped in the hole. That's right, my first birdie occurred during my first round of golf! It will probably be a long time before I see another birdie, but I'm more than willing to keep trying! I'm beginning to love the game!

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